Ladies in Blogging came out of an idea to help women bloggers network and connect face to face.

Being a blogger myself, I really enjoy meeting other bloggers at events to share stories and experiences. These events are few and far between and I thought regular meetups would be great. I used to run a networking group like this years ago and thought it was a great platform to meet other women interested in blogging, starting up a new business online, new technologies, social media and what’s new on the internet.

How will these networking events work?

These networking events will be monthly and somewhere central in London. All women bloggers are welcome.

There will be a topic for these events and we will invite insprirational and diverse speakers for these events. If you want to speak or want to propose anyone to speak at these events, please contact us.

Why Women Only?

From my experience in running a women in technology network, in a women only environment, people are more open to asking questions.

Men can come along as a guest of a member.

How do you participate?

  1. Join  us as a member – it’s free
  2. Volunteer to help with the events
  3. Write for us on any topic ranging from blogging, wordpress tips, to running a small business. Just drop us a line and propose a topic.
  4. Sponsor our events
  5. Speak at our events

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